Lessons In Dyslexic Thinking by Made By Dyslexia

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As a Dyslexic person I am really happy about these Lessons In Dyslexic Thinking by Made By Dyslexia by Kate Griggs. The world needs to know that it is a gift instead of a weakness.

I went to a standard primary school followed by a LOM school - (Leer- en OpvoedingsMoeilijkheden - learning and upbringing difficulties) followed by a standard primary school. On all these schools they didn't understood me and I got a lot of tapes on me (great how Barbara Corcoran talks about this in S1, E3 which I will post later) telling me how stupid, ... I was. Bit by bit I am tear these of me and replace them with positive ones. Thinking In Possibilities instead of Thinking In Problems is the way I love to think. And as Richard Branson says concentrate on Things You Are Good Ar instead of the things you are not good at.

Here is the intro of the Podcast on YouTube

University of Dyslexic Thinking - https://www.madebydyslexia.org/dyslexicu/
